O nama

Gimnastički klub “Rijeka” osnovan je 22.11.1973. godine. Na Osnivačkoj skupštini izabran je Upravni odbor od jedanaest članova: Nikola Bačić, Ivica Vidović, Vladimir Cuculić, Slavica Djevenica, Sergio Uran, prof. Miro Dodig, Anton Perković, prof. Arsen Studenac, prof. Aleksandra Pejčić, Nevenka Boras i Dinka Manestri. Za prvog predsjednika kluba izabran je Ante Perković, dok je Ivica VIdović bio dugogodišnji predsjednik DTO "Partizan Rijeka II".

Zadatak novoosnovanog kluba bio je unapređenje gimnastike koja se dotad gajila u postojećim društvima s ostalim aktivnostima tih društava.

Prva gimnastička organizacija u Rijeci osnovana je 29.05.1904. godine, nešto kasnije nego u ostatku Hrvatske. Međutim, tada dolazi do poticanja sokolstva i to upravo na Sušaku gdje je i osnovan Savez sokolskih društava, 06.11.1904. ,te je ovaj datum upisan u Statut Hrvatskog gimnastičkog saveza kao „Dan gimnastike“.

Nakon početaka, kada klub okuplja samo muško članstvo, relativno brzo, 25.05.1907. osniva se i Ženski ogranak što predstavlja početak ženske gimnastike u Rijeci.

Do II. svjetskog rata sokolstvo i dalje jača u našem kraju, a slijedom društvenih promjena nakon rata mijenjanju se imena i sjedišta klubova, pa se tako gimnastička organizacija 1953. godine smješta u objekt gdje se i danas nalazi gimnastički klub „Rijeka“.

Kao posljedica velikog entuzijazma u objektima kluba u slijedećim godinama bilježe se mnoga natjecanja: 11.05.1954. organiziran je susret Jugoslavija-Bavarska, 10.05.1958. organizirano je Prvenstvo Jugoslavije, iste godine, 28.06.1958. održano je i Prvenstvo Hrvatske.

U narednim godinama, bez obzira na popularnost gimnastike članstvo nije povezano samo isključivo s radom na spravama već su prisutne druge discipline pa dolazi do izvjesnog previranja u gimnastičkoj organizaciji.

Sva previranja između onih koji su htjeli rekreaciju za odrasle i onih koji su se zalagali za rad s djecom na spravama rezultirala su idejom da se osnuje novi, današnji klub.

Nakon osnutka Kluba, dolazi do pozitivnih kretanja i perspektive gimnastike. Mnogi vježbači i vježbačice ostvaruju značajne rezultate u sportskoj i ritmičkoj gimnastici na području bivše države.

Kako entuzijazam u samim počecima djelovanja Kluba samo raste tako je došlo do organiziranja Balkanskog prvenstva 1976. godine te organiziranja „Kupa Kvarnera iste godine. Zatim su organizirani: Prijateljski susret Rijeka-Ljubljana, 1979. godine, Međunarodni susret Rijeka–Ferrara (Italija), Dvoboj Rijeka-Ljubljana 1980, …

U ovom razdoblju izrasta velik broj imena, što vježbača, što trenera, ali ovdje nećemo nikoga posebno spominjati zbog toga što 2007. godine dolazi do požara u unutrašnjosti gimnastičke dvorane u kojem je uništena gotovo sva arhivska građa kluba.

Stoga zahvaljujemo svima, svim bivšim i svim današnjim članovima kluba, poznatim i manje poznatim što su dali dio sebe za ovaj Klub, koji postoji i dan danas te nastavljajući putovima onih koji su sve započeli, od 1904. preko 1973. do 2013., gledajući daleko u budućnost.

Spomenimo na kraju današnje stanje u Klubu: stalno su zaposlena četiri trenera kojima u radu s dvjestotinjak djece uzrasta od 3 do 16 godina pomažu dva trenera-asistenta. Djeca su podijeljena u dvije skupine: rekreativce i natjecatelje. Rekreativno se gimnastikom bave djeca predškolske i školske dobi što je osobito važno za unapređenje zdravlja i kvalitetnijeg razvoja djece i mladih na području grada Rijeke i cijele Primorsko-goranske županije. Druga skupina, natjecatelji, promoviraju sportski način života, a ujedno reklamiraju Klub i grad na razini države i cijele Europe jer zbog svojih rezultata često nastupaju na međunarodnim natjecanjima.

Na temelju Zakona o sportu (NN br.71/06) i Zakona o udrugama (NN br.88/01.), Skupština GIMNASTIČKOG KLUBA „RIJEKA“, na sjednici održanoj dana 04. ožujka 2015. godine, donijela je: Statut gimnastičkog kluba Rijeka

The gymnastics Club "Rijeka" was founded on the 2nd of November 1973. The Board of Directors was elected at the Club's Founding Assembly and constituted of eleven members: Nikola Bačić, Ivica Vidović, Vladimir Cuculić, Slavica Djevenica, Sergio Uran, prof. Miro Dodig, Anton Perković, prof. Arsen Studenac, prof. Aleksandra Pejčić, Nevenka Boras and Dinka Manestri. Ante Perković was the Club's first elected president and Ivica Vidović was a longtime president of DTO "Partizan Rijeka II".

The newly set-out club's task was the gymnastics' enhancement which had been nourished among the existing circles and its other activities.

The first gymnastics organization in Rijeka was founded on the 29th of May 1904, thus succeding its uprise in the rest of Croatia. However, upon the uplifting of the Falcon movement (Sokolstvo) in the area of Sušak where the "Falcon company Alliance" (Savez sokolskih društava) was established, the 6th of November 1904, marks that very date as "Gymnastics Day" in the Croatian Gymnastics Federation Statute.

After the offsets, while the Club assembles only male members, on the 25th of May 1907, the Women's Division is established hence indicating the beginning of women's gymnastics in Rijeka.

By the II World War the "Falcon movement" (Sokolstvo) keeps on rising on our territories; subsequently, the post-war developments altered the denominations and club headquarters, so the gymnastics organization settled its facilities precisely where the gymnastics club "Rijeka" is stil located today.

As a result of the eagerness within the club, many competitions were recorded in the course of the following years: a meeting and a contest were arranged between Yugoslavia and Bavaria the 11th of May 1954, the Yugoslavian Championship was held on the 10th of May 1958, and on the 28th of June,of that same year, the Croatian Championship was held.

During the upcoming years, regardless of the gymnastics' acquired notability, membership wasn't linked exclusively to equipment training but other disciplines also, thus causing some commotion amidst the gymnastics organization.

All the commotions among the ones who wished for an adult recreation and the ones who opted for children's exercises and training along with equipments, had arisen the idea of founding a new club, the club we know nowadays.

After the Club's establishment, positive events occured and perspective was gained within gymnastics. Many male and female gymnasts achieved notable results regarding sports gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics within the territories of the former state.

The eagerness and enthusiasm during the very beginnings of the Club's activities rose rapidly thus arranging the Balkans Championship in 1976 and the organizing of the "Kvarner Cup" , that same year. The following contests were: a friendly match between Rijeka and Ljubljana in 1979, an International match between Rijeka and Ferrara (Italy), and a contest between Rijeka and Ljubljana the very next year, in 1980.

During that period, a considerable number of names are distinguished, gymnasts and trainers; however we will not be citing any of those names due to the fact that a fire outbreak destroyed the gymnasium interior in 2007, demolishing almost all of the club's archives material.

We would like to give our thanks and acknwoledgements to everyone, all our former and current members of the club, all the renowned, and less notable members, for dedicating a part of themselves to our Club, still existing today and carrying on along the path taken by the ones who started it all since the very beginning, since 1904, all through 1973 and right till 2013, focusing deep towards the future.

To add, we must point put a few facts about the Club's current status: four regular trainers, attended by two assistant trainers, all working together with approximately two hundred children aged between 3 and 16. The children exercise in two respective groups: the recreational group and the competing group. Preschool and school - attending children exercise gymnastics recreationally, which is particularly important in order to improve their health and development, as well as enhance the well being and health among all of the young people in our city of Rijeka and our county (Primorsko-Goranska županija). The remaining group, our competitors, encourage and promote a healthy sports involved lifestyle, along with endorsing our Club and our city throughout the state and all across Europe where they perform on an international level due to their astonishing results.